Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Impact of Domestic Violence - 2015 Words
Domestic Violence Domestic violence is a social problem that affects individuals, families, and the communities in which they live. The public awareness and understanding of domestic violence has greatly increased over the last few decades. This knowledge has illuminated the prevalence of families suffering in violent environments. This new understanding has given rise to many resources, agencies and services designed to combat the harmful and lasting affects of domestic violence and to give aid to its victims. Domestic Violence: What is it? Who does it affect? Domestic violence is physical or sexual assault, which occurs between two people in a relationship (, 2009). Examples of personal relationships that may†¦show more content†¦Multiple behaviors demonstrated by preschool age children (age 2-5): Hyper-arousal, aggressive behavior, avoidant behavior, and developmental regression...clinically significant anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic tress...separation anxiety, sleep disturbances, changes in eating patterns and toileting regression (Herman-Smith, 2013, p. 232). School age children and adolescents may experience peer difficulties, depression, under developed verbal skills and higher levels of aggression (Holt, Buckley, Whelan 2008). Domestic Violence: Services and Policies Many services are offered through domestic violence programs and various shelters available throughout the country. Many of these programs include emergency shelters, but sadly, funding cut backs have reduced the amount of shelters available. In 2012, a study conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence found that 6,818 requests for housing from domestic violence victims were unmet (NNDEV, 2012, p. 3). Non-shelter services include: counseling, group support, court accompaniment, transportation, educational programs, and public benefit help (NNDEV, 2012, p. 7). While the focus of these organizations is to help women obtain resources and education, they also offer various counseling services to the children involved (Clevenger Row-Sepowitz, 2009). Government programs such as The Family Violence Prevention Act, ViolenceShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Domestic Violence on Children661 Words  | 3 PagesQuestion 1 There are many consequences of not taking a strong stance against domestic abuse and the later impact on the children in the situation. Even if the children are not involved in the actual abuse, they are still negatively impacted by the presence of domestic violence in their households (Osofsky 1990). 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