Friday, May 22, 2020
The Sheer Size Of The Prison System - 910 Words
The sheer size of the prison system lends itself to many layers of profiteering. As many as 90% of jails charge prisoners various fees during their incarceration. These fees range from charges for medical care, booking, transportation--even housing fees, among others. In fact, in order to pay for the fees assessed by the prison, the friends and family members that send money to prisoners have to pay exorbitant fees, as high as 45%. Some of the largest banks, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, are able to profit from this exploitive practice because they have a monopoly on money transfers to prisoners which they obtained through no bid government contracts. Corizon, America’s largest prison healthcare contractor, earns about $1.4 billion in revenue annually. They’re able to maximize their profits, in a predictable manner, by neglecting the services that are expected of them. For example, they refuse to treat Hepatitis C. â€Å"We save money because we skip the ambulance and bring them right to the morgue,†says Diane Jackson, nurse for Corizon. There is also a $1.2 billion market for the few companies which contract for prison inmate phone calls. Those calls are charged at rates far above market prices, as much as $17 for a 15 minute call. Plenty of corporations also profit from extremely cheap prison labor. Prison laborers are typically paid about $1 an hour. Many are paid nothing, but they can earn time off of their sentence. There are obvious ethical questionsShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Prison Overcrowding1524 Words  | 7 PagesPrison Overcrowding is a topic that isn’t brought up much in the media. However, it’s one that should be addressed more than it is. Overcrowding puts Correctional Officer’s safety at risk as well as the safety of inmates. There must be a way to reduce the number of inmates or possibly build additional prisons. Prison overcrowding has many negative effects ranging from sickness, to even death. The first article I want to discuss is â€Å"Underfunded, Overcrowded State Prisons Struggle With Reform†. OnRead MoreSociologists Are Angry And You Should Be Too : Reflection On Readings Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pagesthe realities of living in this country. The American systems of government and business are working against almost everyone that is not a wealthy, cisgender, heterosexual, white male. This paper will be covering themes discussed in Max Weber’s â€Å"Class, Status, Party†, C. Wright Mills’ â€Å"The Power Elite†, G. 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In the Middle East and North Africa, the population is expected to more than double its size, and in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is expected to triple (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division 14). Thomas Robert Malthus was one of the first to study population. Malthus stated that when a population eventuallyRead MoreImportance Of Federalism And How The United States Structure Is Based Upon This Form Of Government2428 Words  | 10 Pagespolicies in regards to an assortment of public matters, as well as learning about various contemporary public policy issues and various interest groups that provide support for legislative reform. Federalism Policy Restraint Foremost, federalism is â€Å"a system of government in which power is shared between a central or federal government and other governments, such as states or provinces†(Birkland, 2011, p. 61). The U.S. Constitution possesses this structure of government that permits authority (power)
Friday, May 8, 2020
A Comprehensive Stress Management Plan Based On The Following
1) Develop a comprehensive stress management plan based on the following: a) Identify four major ongoing stressors in your life. For each stressor, describe why it is a stressor for you. You need to discuss a variety of areas such as personality, lifestyle, self-talk, and/or beliefs. b) For each of your four stressors describe how you know when you are stressed. What specific indicators or symptoms do you use to determine that you are under stress? Your indicators of stress may be physical symptoms, mental/emotional changes, or behavior changes. Include in your answer, how different levels or type of stress has different and/or more stress symptoms. c) Describe coping techniques that you have tried that did not help you cope with your stressors. Explain why each of these techniques did not work for you by giving examples. Include in your examples the circumstances and the reactions of yourself and others. Your answer must include at least 3 techniques. d) Choose and explain stress management techniques that can help you cope with each of your four stressors. Do not use the same techniques for each stressor. Your answer must include at least four different coping strategies and the circumstances when you have or plan to use them. For each stressor take into account: techniques or lifestyle behaviors that can prevent a stressor from occurring; techniques that can change your thinking about the stressor; ways to calm yourself or change the situation while the stressor isShow MoreRelatedCritically Evaluate, in Relation to the Common Law Duty of Care, the Liability of Employers for Psychiatric Illnesses Suffered by Employees and Arising as the Result of Employees Being Made to Work Under Stressful Conditions.1497 Words  | 6 Pagesfinancial quarter increases, it is the workforce who are put under undue stress. Ranging from unreasonably high productivity standards, to sub-standard and hazardous work environments, workers face severa l potential risks to their mental and physical health. The paradox lies in the fact that an unhealthy and burnt-out workforce is less productive than that which is relaxed and contented. But despite this, work-related stress continues to be a nagging problem facing business leaders and workers alikeRead MoreThe Importance Of A Water Promotion Program710 Words  | 3 Pagestherefore it makes sense that there is only a year long development plan focused on literacy and academic standing as opposed to the standard holistic three-year development plan (Harold Panabaker, 2017-2018). However, while academic success is important there is a greater need to focus on the health and wellbeing of the students with regards to the development plan. 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Erikkson (2009) conducted the case study by analyzing emergency response following Gudrun, a storm with hurricane force wind gusts that struck the South of Sweden in January 2005Read MoreDiabetes Case Study1337 Words  | 6 Pages Besides this, insulin pumps are not more effective than injections at helping people with type 1 diabetes control their blood sugar levels and people with type 2 diabetes can control their glucose level by following a healthy meal plan and losing excess weight and by taking medications. The medications will often change during the course of the disease for each person. Insulin also is usually used with type 2 diabetes to control glycaemia (National Diabetes statistics report, 2014). The people haveRead MoreEthics And Public Service1559 Words  | 7 Pagesdevelopment curriculum, desig n a comprehensive ethics course, which will provide a basis for future and advanced courses in ethics to build. Finally, concerning fundamental competencies is the introduction of the process or concept of lifelong learning. Critical to any successful succession planning process is the concept of lifelong learning. The importance of this concept has been demonstrated throughout this project. It is imperative that any basic leadership curriculum stress the importance of thisRead MoreHelping Caregivers Overcome The Mental And Physical Stress Of Caring For Hospice Patients Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pages Helping caregivers overcome the mental physical stress of caring for hospice patients Roberto Acosta New Mexico State University October 28, 2016 Helping caregivers overcome the mental physical stress of caring for hospice patients Caregivers play an integral role in improving the quality of life for hospice patients. Most of the individuals involved in caring for the terminally ill are family members. However, caring for terminally ill patients can adversely affect the caregiver’sRead MoreHowe 2 Ski Case Study1087 Words  | 5 Pagessharing, and gainsharing plans. What plan or plans would you recommend that Howe look at most closely and why? Lump sum bonuses are a form of performance pay bonus. Defined as â€Å"bonuses †¦ earned at the end of a specified time period, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually, when a salesperson achieves a specific level of sales or sales quota†(Quast), they are utilized frequently in the sales industry. The dilemma, in this case, is that quality and productivity is not based only on sales. The moldersRead MoreProviding Superior Levels Of Care1375 Words  | 6 PagesCombining quality patient service and operational expertise to maintain superior levels of care. Compassionate, dedicated, and results-driven/results-focused Registered Nurse with 1+ years of experience in the Emergency Department who provides comprehensive emergency medical care and support to patients. Displays dedication and determination in all endeavors with diligent attention to detail for optimal end results. Excels at managing health care needs within crisis/life-threatening situations that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Night Creature Dark Moon Chapter Three Free Essays
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