Thursday, October 31, 2019
Descartes and skepticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Descartes and skepticism - Essay Example The principle of certainty, which Descartes refers to as cogito is also explained. The researcher has also given a detailed explanation on why the project was very important for Rene Descartes to accomplish. Although it seems that the method of doubt has achieved a lot, it seems to raise doubts about everything that could possibly be doubted and this is not the case. Cartesian doubt remains a strong form of skepticism and the only thing Descartes did, was doubting what was possible for him to doubt. Keywords. Cogito, Cartesian Doubting, Skepticism, Descartes Introduction Descartes was born in La Haya, Touraine on the 31st of March 1596 (Wilson, 1983). His parents were Joachim Descartes and Jeanne Broachard. His Father worked in the army and was a noble man. His mother died when he was one year old. Descartes had a brother, Pierre and a sister known as Jeanne. Having been born into a clan of bourgeois, he was educated primarily at the leading Jesuit academy, where he received a ground ing foundation in traditional Aristotelian-scholastic philosophy. He later studied law at the University of Poitiers (Wilson, 1983). The chronology of his major works is as follows: 1628-1629: rules for the direction of the mind. 1634: the world scientific system. 1637: discourse on method, optics, geometry and meteorology (samples of which method would accomplish). 1641: meditations concerning first philosophy and objections and replies. 1644: principles of philosophy (concerned with explaining on all phenomena of nature). 1649: the passions of the soul. Concerned with the physiology of emotion and possibility of rational control of the passions (Wilson, 1983). Most the works of Rene Descartes were written in Holland and were philosophical and scientific. He conceived his scientific system as the successor and replacement of the great Aristotelian-scholastic philosophy that had dominated European thoughts for centuries. In his career, he strived to win approval and acceptance for h is views, especially among theological authorities. He dedicated the meditations to the theological faculty of the Sorbonne. Descartes died in February 1650 in Stockholm after Queen Christina of Sweden had persuaded him to go and grace her court. Rene Descartes is famously remembered for his Cartesian method that he used to refute skepticism (Wilson, 1983). Cartesian Doubting on Skepticism Skepticism is a doctrine in philosophy that holds that true and absolute knowledge or knowledge of a particular object is uncertain. In other words, that being certain in general or towards a particular object is not possible. The method that he uses to oppose skeptics is the background of his philosophy, which is known as the Cartesian doubting (Wilson, 1983). Descartes method of doubting used syllogism. A syllogism comprises of a major premise, particular premise, which is also known as minor premise and the conclusion. The rules of syllogism hold that if the premises are true the conclusion mus t be true, and when the premises are false the conclusion is definitely false. For example, Any thinking thing must exist. (Major premise). I think. (Minor premise). I therefore exist. (Conclusion). Before he could begin to construct the stage of his work, Descartes believed that he needed, once in his lifetime to get rid of all his former beliefs, since he was aware that any of them were false. He uses an analogy to explain this argument while at the same time introducing his method. The
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Psychometric Testing Business Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Psychometric Testing Business Proposal - Essay Example It will rationalise the arguments for seeking an external experienced provider in order to advise and action that implementation. To create awareness amongst branch, regional and national management of the necessity to improve retention levels of existing telephone sales operatives within the organisation. To introduce new methods at the recruitment stage in order to achieve this. Typically this indicates that with a drop-out rate of approximately 3 new staff a month, HFC is losing on average  £1,944 each year just from the loss of newly recruited CAM staff leaving the company after just one month of employment. If applied and monitored successfully the implementation of psychometric testing could be used more widely across other departments within the organisation to ensure greater levels of high performance amongst staff, in addition to overall long term improvements in staff satisfaction. A number of companies have been identified and researched with a view to obtaining the best approach to this methodology and an ability to advise accordingly in terms of the principal objectives of this proposal. It is estimated that an assessment of all the identified specialists in psychometric testing will be presented and the successful tender agreed upon by July 2008. With a new strategic approach to the recruitment process enforced by August 2008. The current questioning system employed by HFC relies on 24 questions which have a numeric scoring system. This does not allow for any thorough quantative or qualitative data to be recorded or investigated for accurate results specific to the candidate. It is clear that this present system affords updating to inform a more accurate interpretation of the candidates commitment, knowledge and realistic expectations prior to being considered for employment. The scope of this proposal is to make a case for
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Challenges Faced by Managers in the Public Sector
Challenges Faced by Managers in the Public Sector There are different levels of management in the three different sectors of the economy. There are non-managerial employees, first-line managers, middle managers and the top managers. Robbins et al ;( 2009). This essay will critically evaluate the challenges faced by managers in the public sector organisations. The essay will assess the roles of the manager in this sector and the difficulties managers encounter whilst carrying out their duties. The challenges posed by organisational structure and design with an example from the Northampton Borough Council, the issues due to the organisational culture, privatisation of some of the public sector services, the strategic management of the public sector and the complexities due to the constant changing environment in which these organisations operate, and the challenges to managers of the most recent comprehensive budget cuts, will be evaluated in this essay. The typical roles of a manager in any organisation is to organise, lead, plan and control the activities of the people and other resources within it towards achieving the objectives of that organisation; Naylor (2004). The role a manager plays is dependent on the level of management position although each level has its challenges. At the senior level, the managers role is much broader and in depth and it requires creativity and innovativeness; Robbins et al (2009). The senior manager is involved in decision making, strategic management planning and control, the manager, at this level of management is expected to have an understanding of all areas of the organisation to enable sensible handling of any given situation Hanagan;(2008). The role of the manager did not change in the 21st century rather the method of carrying out the above mentioned roles are different, for instance the manager has to organise work differently, communication is more sophisticated such as, the use of internet, mobile telephones and e-mail. In recent times, the management of change is considered as the most important skill of management due to the pace of change in the 21st century Hanagan, (2008).The rapid changes in technology, enormous improvements in communication, the increase in focus on global economy, and the environment are issues to the modern day manager. In addition to the above, the role of the manager in the public sector is challenged by the constant changes in legislation and political policies subject to government in power Hanagan (2008). An organisation is an arrangement which has been set up for a particular purpose. Robbins et al (2009). Different organisations belong to different sectors of the economy. There are three sectors; the public, the private and the third sector such as social enterprises. This three sectors have some common characteristics which are: they all have distinct purpose, each organisation is made up of people, and all create a structure within which the people could carry out their duties Robbins et al(2009). Organisations are grouped as public sector depending on certain factors such as; how much the organisation competes with similar organisations, goods and services are charged indirectly and how much it allows itself to be influenced by demand and supply of goods and services. The less such organisations are influenced by the above factors the more the organisations are considered as public sector organisations Hanagan (2008). Instances of these organisations are; Local Government council, Libraries, the National Police Force, the Defence Ministry, Colleges and Universities. The common features of these organisations are; they are set up to fulfil specific purposes, they are service motivated, they are accountable to many stakeholders and the public, they carry out their duties for the good of the people and they are funded through the use of taxpayers money. Avery important challenge to a manager whether in the public sector or in the private sector is to be aware of their relevant s takeholders and operate the organisation in ways which will yield maximum returns to each stakeholder group Bloisi et al (2007). The public sector organisation has a centralised organisational structure whereby authority and decision making is made at the senior managerial level. Organisational structure is a connected arrangement of positions and work units through which the important tasks of an organisation are subdivided and categorised to form decision centres from where the strategic plans of the organisation are carried out Bloisi et al (2007). Most of these organisations have a Matrix design structure which enables double responsibility and reporting roles with particular projects. Bloisi et al (2007). The managers in the matrix organisation are challenged by the constant need to resolve conflicts due to differences in perspectives and priority Bloisi et al (2007). For instance, the organisational structure of the Northampton Borough Council has over five managerial levels of management. According to Nicole Macdonald, a HR Manager Strategy with the council, one of the challenges they have is getting approval to carry out plans as quickly as possible. The council has about forty-seven councillors through whom decisions are made. These councillors represent different political fronts. Sometimes it is difficult to reach a consensus on certain issues and therefore arriving at a decision is elongated said, Cassie Triggs, a Democratic Chief Executive Services Manager at the Northampton Borough Council. The manager in the private sector will in relation to their organisational structure which is much flatter be able to arrive at a decision much quicker. Private sector organisational structures are designed to embrace the pace of changes in technology and also to survive. Flatter structure allows for incorporation of ideas from almost every employee in the organisation Bloisi et al (2007). The manager in the private sector will be challenged by how to control an employee wh o is working from home and coming to the place of work only one day in a working week Naylor (2004). Included in the challenges encountered by managers in the public sector are challenges due to the cultural beliefs of the organisation. Organisational culture is the way we do things around here Robbins et al (2009). According to Meek (1988), organisational culture could be used as a means to find out how people behave in a complex setting Hanagan, (2008). Organisational culture can be something abstract or peoples perception and experience within an organised setting. According to Stacey, the culture of any group of people is that set of beliefs, customs, practices and ways of thinking that they have come to share with each other through being and working together. Hanagan (2008). According to Handy, there are four major types of organisational cultures; the power culture in which the power and authority is from one person in a central position, the role culture which is labelled as a bureaucracy where the role of the individual specialists are more important than position and power , the task culture is about the activity which is being carried out and lastly the person culture which focuses more on what individuals do in a particular setting Mullins (2005). The challenge of managing cultural change in a public sector organisation will depend on how strong the existing culture is and the weight of the proposed change Hanagan (2008).The difficulty is in bringing about the change. For instance the Further and Higher Education Act which made colleges and higher education in England to become Corporate Bodies Limited by Guarantee indicates that organisational culture can be overtaken by accountability to more prominent stakeholders as the organisation would want to survive Hanagan (2008). The challenge is even more where there is existence of subcultures within the organisation. For decades, Public organisations have been managed by people who have been raised into managerial positions through years of service to the organisation, for instance; football clubs were managed by ex-footballers, and schools were managed by former teachers, local government council by people who were promoted through long years of service Hanagan (2008). There are difficulties faced by managers moving from the private sector to the public sector. The manager from the private sector is more focused on profits and accounting to shareholders, decision making is simplified, there is much flexibility and autonomy, there is power and authority attached therefore, the challenge to the private sector manager moving into the public sector will be changing the profit making, quick decision making mindset, there is less power and authority, no flexibility and autonomy Hanagan (2008). These challenges are not without approaches with which the managers could use to minimise them. For instance, the managers could use the recruitment process to recruit people who will fit into the existing culture, by the method of questioning they are made aware of what is important in the organisation, the induction process, promotion policy, training and development Hanagan (2008). Following the challenges posed by organisational structure, design and culture, are the challenges which managers face with the move of the UK government in the 1980s to privatise some of the services of the public sector when they realised that the costs of providing services were becoming too much, costs were weighing much on National budgets and the motive to make public sector organisations to work more effectively and efficiently Hanagan (2008). The move gave rise to such contractual arrangements as the Public Private Partnership (PPP) and the London underground contractual arrangement which came from a simpler Private Finance Initiative (PFI) which was set up to establish contracts between the local authority controlled London Underground and Tubelines and Metronet Hanagan (2008). Privatisation as defined by Bryan Hurl (1992), is the sale of government owned equity in nationalised industries or other commercial enterprises, to private investors with or without the loss of government control of the organisation. There are three methods which have been used by the government, these are; denationalisation which is the sale of public sector assets, deregulation which is removal of barriers to entry to a previously protected market to allow private enterprises to compete and franchising whereby the public sector provides the finance and the private sector provide the services Hurl (1992). One of the key principles of managing resources to deliver better services is by setting up strong partnerships which means that various departments of the public sector are relying on other public, private and third sector to deliver public services, these organisations, most of the time may have better expertise and better understanding of the needs of the citizens Bourn (2003, p26). The increasing difficulty with which public services are delivered is a challenge. According to the National Audit Office, delivery of public services are no longer the duty of a single department for instance, different organisations are involved in provision of criminal justice such as the police, the crown prosecution service, the forensic Science service and the courts. Changes in economic conditions and unforeseen circumstances could place much demand for public services, for instance, the sudden rise in unemployment during the most recent inflationary period. The volume and value of benefits payment made by the job centre plus or the unexpected foot and mouth disease and its effect to the public requires a good resource management Bourn (2003 p18). Some of the services provided by the public sector organisations are; Defence by the Army, Public Health by the NHS, Direct service delivery agencies which handle payments of benefits, issuing of prescriptions and National insurance numbers, processing of student loans, access to heritage, museums and galleries, developing frameworks for other service providers such as regulation of educational standards, teacher training and social housing, promotion of business opportunities abroad, transport integration, purchasing information technology systems and professional services and others. The challenge to the manager is the ability to coordinate and monitor the different service chains involved in the delivery of public services and also the difficulty in ensuring that resources are channelled appropriately to the provision of the most required service Bourn (2003 p.20) . Strategic thinking, planning and continuous are important in every organisation Bloisi et al (2007). Strategic thinking means being able as a manager to device ways to balance both the human, technical and the limited resources of the organisation and the environmental forces Bloisi et al (2007). The public sector manager has no power and authority, no autonomy and flexibility and therefore may not have as much influence in the decision making as their counterpart in the private sector Hanagan (2008). Strategic management is used in the public sector to find out schedules of activities in the sector which fit into the political agendas taking into consideration the politicians who might be looking for quick returns which they can point to as their successes and achievements Hanagan (2008). This means that the strategic planning has to be short term. There is lack of clarity in relation to what the manager is trying to achieve. There is the constant challenge to the manager in the public sector as to whether you are trying to fulfil your statutory obligation, please the politicians, follow the directions of the board or the people for whom the services were meant for. The manager in the public sector is challenged as he cannot change or alter the system. There are too many stakeholders, interest groups to satisfy in the public sector therefore the manager in this sector has to device different kinds of ways to deliver information to the different groups in the public who believes they have a stake in the public sector, such methods are through, governing bodies, advisory committees, taskforces, public meetings and public announcements Hanagan (2008). The manager in the private sector uses strategic management to review actions, slow down processes and hence make changes where necessary, the manager in the private sector has a profit making mindset and therefore considers product viability, the private secto r manager has power and authority, flexibility and autonomy and therefore decision making is quicker. The private sector manager is accountable to shareholders Bloisi et al (2007). The public sector is funded by the government and the managers are accountable to whichever ruling political party at any given time. According to the National Audit Office, before the 1998 public service agreements, different departments were funded annually with some exception such as the Department of Health, so there was uncertainty as to whether funding will be the same as the previous year or reduced or increased. This was a challenge to managers as there was no certainty with the flow of funds to make long term plans as the private sector with assurance of long term financing. The agreement was set out with the awareness of the aims, ideals and targets of the various departments Bourn (2003 p.20). Assessed so far are internal factors which challenge managers in the public sector however there are certain external factors which managers have to contend with as well. Some of these are; the speed of technology which has affected every process in organisations irrespective of sector, the force of competing interests who are not ordinary rivals to gain customers but those seeking for resources and those trying to make their points to be heard and the fluctuations in social behaviour which starts with movements in peoples expectations and values Bloisi et al (2007). Finally, managers are currently facing challenges due to the recent comprehensive budget cut. There is greater demand for services however there are fewer resources to meet demand. It is morally challenging to managers to prioritize who to help and who not to In conclusion, Suggested approaches from management science which could alleviate some of the challenges are; the systems approach and contingency approach. With systems approach, managers could discuss their departmental needs in terms of the general organisational requirement. The use of this approach requires open communication and the removal of barriers between the individual departments, also the approach shows management consideration of all the systems involved, synergy that is the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, open and closed systems, limits, movements of information, materials and feedback through which the manager could monitor and evaluate progress reports Hanagan (2008). The second recommended approach is the contingency approach. This approach says that different problems requires different ways of solving them it all depends on how much experience the manager has because what might work well in one situation may not work well in another situation Hanagan (2008). Applica tion of this approach requires that the manager recognises several view points, one of which is the pragmatic view point. Pragmatic viewpoint says that no approach is generally acceptable which means that the manager has to check the motives for every action taken for instance, the services being delivered, the availability of equipment required and also the internal and external environment Hanagan (2008).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Fuel Cells are The Future Energy Source Essay -- essays research paper
In a society that is capable of producing and consuming large amount of energy, we often take these nonrenewable resources for granted. It isn’t until the last few decades that people begins to realize the effect of global warming. With more and more cars appearing on the road everyday, the necessity of gasoline is greatly increasing. Fortunately, a â€Å"new†technology has been developed. It is believed to be the next replacement for gasoline and it would have positive environmental impact. As you might have guessed, it is the fuel cells. History The idea of fuel cells has actually been developed more than a century ago by William Robert Grove, thus it is not exactly a new development. Initial ideas with the fuel cells are to be used in power plants. However, it isn’t until recently, that detailed research has been conducted How It Works There are different types of fuel cells, the most common type involves hydrogen. Energy is released when two hydrogen atoms are combined with an oxygen atom and it is potentially the energy that is used by the vehicle. As the two gases are storable, it makes it possible to be used in places upon request. Efficiency Unlike fuel cells, many renewable resources are storable, but can not provide enough energy. This makes fuel cells one of the very few replacements of gasoline. At the same time, fuel cells are more efficient than gasoline. It is estimated that around 40 to 50% of the energy generated through the process will actually be used by the fuel cells vehicle. However, having these two flammable gases in one’s vehicle would make it far too dangerous if safety precautions aren’t properly taken. Other downsides to the fuel cells include the fact that if produced from water, it uses ... .... If governments decide to melt glaciers, it will only speed up global warming. Due to the fast change in our weather, more and more people are aware of global warming. Thus, promoting fuel cells vehicles will encourage politicians to take action to protect our environment. For the next fifty years, the environment will have a larger impact in politics as the change in temperature will affect people’s daily lives. It is predicted that a much larger budget will be used cut to compensate those who will be adjusting to the fuel cells technology. As this technology matures over the next decade, governments will put more stress on using fuel cells vehicles. The fuel cells market will expand to fulfill the idea of a hydrogen economy with an emission free and zero carbon emission. It is a promising invention with promising a future. However, only time one will tell.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Unit 508 Develop and Implement Policies and Procedures
Unit 508 Develop and implement policies and procedures to support the safeguarding of children and young people. 1. Understand the impact of current legislation that underpins the safeguarding of children and young people. 2. 1 (CCLD Unit 2 – Support policies and practice to safeguard children and ensure their inclusion and well being). 2. 2 (CCLD Unit 2 – Support policies and practice to safeguard children and ensure their inclusion and well being). 2. 3 (CCLD Unit 2 – Support policies and practice to safeguard children and ensure their inclusion and well being). . 4 (CCLD Unit 2 – Support policies and practice to safeguard children and ensure their inclusion and well being). The young people , have the availability to call , Voice of a child whenever they would like. They can do this in a confidential setting, so they are able to express any concerns in private. If a young person is un happy with decisions that have been made about them or their care, th ey can call to speak to an advocate. The advocate will help ensure that they are listened to and that their views are taken seriously. An advocate can help the young people if: * They want support at reviews or other meetings * They don't like the plans that have been made about them * They want to complain Young People resident at have access to numerous supports, advocates, and complaints processes. We also aim to work alongside placing authorities to work with local advocacy services. NCC Participation and Advocacy Officers Anya Proud and Robin Craig are available for looked after young people who need advice, support or information. Young people can also express their views about the services they receive The Client Relations Officer based at County hall also offers independent support to Young People. also benefits from regular visits from an Action for Children advocate, contact details are: We also have an internal comments, suggestions and complaints system that can be accessed by young people, family members or placing authorities. If you wish to use this service please contact one of the registered managers. 2. Be able to support the review of policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. 3. What is the purpose of a Serious Case Review? RATIONALE FOR SERIOUS CASE REVIEW (SCR) 1. 1. 1 Regulation 5 of the Local Safeguarding Children Board Regulations 2006 requires Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to undertake reviews of serious cases in accordance with procedures set out in chapter 8 of Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006). * When a child dies, and abuse or neglect is known or suspected to be a factor in the death, the LSCB should conduct a Serious Case Review (SCR) into the involvement that organisations and professionals had with that child and their family. The purpose of an SCR is to: ? ‘Establish whether there are lessons to be learned from the case about the way in which local professionals and organisations work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children Identify clearly what those lessons are, how they will be acted upon, and what is expected to change as a result and As a consequence, improve inter-agency working and better safeguard and promote the welfare of children’ Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006), Serious case reviews are not inquiries into how a child died or who is culpable; these are matters for coroners and the criminal courts, respectively The purpose of a Serious Case Review is to: * â€Å"establish whether there are lessons to be learnt from the case about the way in which local professionals and organisations work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children * identify clearly what those lessons are both within and between agencies, how and within what timescales they will be acted on, and what is expected to change as a result; and * improve intra- and inter-agency working and better safeguard and promote the welfare of children†Who undertakes a Serious Case Review? Regulation 5 of the Local Safeguarding Children Boards Regulations 20069requires Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to undertake reviews of serious cases . LSCBs are inter-agency forums, set up by a local authority, to agree how different agencies and professionals should co-operate to safeguard children. In cases that do not meet the criteria for a full serious case review, theWorking together guidance suggests conducting individual management reviews or a smaller-scale audit of individual cases . In cases that do meet the criteria, the LSCB establishes a Serious Case Review Panel involving local authority children’s care, health services, education and the police at a minimum as well as any other relevant agencies . The decision to conduct a SCR must be made within one month of the LSCB chair being made aware of the incident and should be completed within six months, unless an alternative timescale is agreed with the relevant Government Office . What happens during a Serious Case Review? Working together to safeguard children (HM Government, 2010) states that each of the relevant services identified in the initial scoping of the review is required to undertake an individual management review of its involvement with the child and the child’s family . The aim of an individual management reviews is for an agency to critically assess practices, and identify how any improvements can be made . The SCR Panel will commission an independent overview report, which brings together and analyses findings from all of the individual management reviews and makes recommendations for future action . The SCR Panel should ensure that all contributing organisations and individuals are satisfied that their information is fully and fairly represented and that any findings from other relevant processes such as care or criminal proceedings, an inquest or inquiry/investigation are incorporated into the overview report . The SCR Sub-Committee will also need to look at how the child (where the review does not involve a death), surviving siblings, parents or other family members should contribute to the review and who should facilitate their involvement What happens after a Serious Case Review? Working together to safeguard children (HM Government, 2010) states that the SCR Panel should translate recommendations into an action plan and the senior manager in each of the organisations which will be involved in implementing the action plan should sign up to this plan . A copy of the summary which accurately reflects the full overview report must be made publicly available . The summary and key findings must be disseminated to relevant interested parties, and feedback given to the child (if surviving) and family members/carers. Relevant staff must also be given feedback and debriefed . Anonymised copies of the individual management reports, overview report, executive summary, multi-agency action plan, and chronologies must be sent to Ofsted, the relevant Government Office . LSCBs should monitor and audit actions of agencies against action plan – â€Å"at least as much effort should be spent on implementing the recommendations as on conducting the review†Duty to conduct Section 47 (s47) Enquiries Where a child is suspected to be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm, the local authority is required under s47 of the Children Act 1989 to make enquiries, to enable it to decide whether it should take any action to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. Responsibility for undertaking s47 enquiries lies with the local authority in whose area the child lives or is found. ‘Found' means the physical location where the child suffers the incident of harm or neglect (or is identified to be at risk of harm or neglect), e. g. ay nursery or school, boarding school, hospital, one-off event such as a fairground, holiday home or outing or where a privately fostered or looked after child is living with their carers. Whenever a child is harmed or concerns are raised that a child may be at risk of harm or neglect, the authority where the incident occurred is responsible for informing the child's home authority immediately and inviting them to participate in the strategy meeting / discussion to plan action to protect the child. Only once agreement is reached about who will take responsibility is the host authority relieved of the responsibility to take emergency and ongoing action. Such acceptance should occur as soon as possible and should be confirmed in writing. Section 47 Enquiries A s47 enquiry must always be commenced immediately when: There is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm in the form of physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect; * An Emergency Protection Order or use of police powers of protection have been used. (Further information about legal responsibilities in Appendix 6: Legal Matters) The threshold criteria for a s47 enquiry may be ide ntified during an initial assessment, but may also be apparent at the point of referral, during the interagency checks and information gathering stage, or during a core assessment. 3. 6 (CCLD Unit 2 – Support policies and practice to safeguard children and ensure their inclusion and well being). 3. 7 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3. 8 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3. 9 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hispanic Identity
Hispanic Identity Tammy Simpson University of Phoenix Hispanic Identity Names are very important and when discussing the differences between racial or cultural, it is very important to remain culturally sensitive. Explaining the differences between Hispanics, Latino, Chicano, and Mexican American may give you a better understand of why some people choice what they want to be called. Because people should be able to choose how he or she is called and names disempowered can have serious repercussions. Hispanic or Latino Americans are categorized as a group of people made up of distinct characteristics.Every group should be allowed to choose their own name as well. When individuals or groups are called names that we do not wish to be called they can become upset or even annoyed. Some want to be called Hispanic and others Latinos, so how do you vary or distinguish. Well Chicano is just too narrow, encompassing only members of the Mexican-American community or anyone else of Mexican herit age. The word â€Å"Chicano†was once considered derogatory when it first emerged, but later generations of Mexican-Americans have since considered it acceptable and embraced the term, at least unofficially.The Term Chicano was thought to have originated as slang that described immigrants from the Mexican revolution, but later evolved to define the uprising of Mexican American reformers. The Chicano Movement changed Mexican Americans’ lives in the United States’ economy. It was a movement that secured these people in the economy with civil rights and economic opportunity. They used tactics such as civil disobedience as an influential way to make it known that â€Å"change†was inevitable.Marches, hunger strikes, and litigation were methods that they used. Mexican Americans consist of the largest Hispanic group within the United States. Their history has covered over 400 years within America, varying in different regions. In such states as California, Texa s, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, great portions of Mexican Americans subsist there. (â€Å"Mexican Americans,†1997-2007) The word â€Å"Hispanic†is more worldwide then â€Å"Chicano†. Historically, areas that were conquered by the Spaniards were considered part of an area called Hispania.Countries that traced their history to Spain are considered to be Hispanic and include Mexico, Central America, and most of South America where Spanish is the prime language. Latino is extremely close in meaning to Hispanic, but is also includes other countries such as Brazil. Latino was popularized during the social movements of the 1960’s. While â€Å"Latino†may be politically and socially correct, it is still better to be ethnically aware of a person’s heritage then referring him or her to the broader term Latino.Descendants of pre Columbian populations from Latin America and most of those from parts of the United States who were part of the Spanish Colonial Empire are considered Latinos/as. However Native Americans, United States citizens who are of pre –Columbian derivation, but whose ancestors lived in areas outside what constitutes United States territory today are not considered Latinos/as. The children born in Latin American from Spaniards are considered Latinos/as, but Spaniards themselves are not (Latinos or Hispanics?A Debate About Indentity, 2003) Hispanic population today has expanded immensely over the years. The growth rate of the Hispanic community has grown faster than any other racial and ethnic group in the nation. The Hispanic community and culture has populated around the United States, and introducing new traditions and customs. Hispanics or Latinos are defined as people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and other Spanish speaking cultures and if you travel to different cities in the States we will see a wide spread of Hispanic communities.For instance in New York the Puerto Rican culture is dominated , and in Miami the Cuban culture is populating the area (Cattan, 1993). Hispanic groups are known in the social economic, politics, labor force, and religion. Spanish culture has an effect on a variety of areas such as music, food and language. Learning about others culture is always good, especially when visiting other countries. Our differences are what make us fascinating and such a diverse country. Hispanics in the United States have significantly contributed to much of our society’s culture and way of life for centuries.Ranging from politics, public service, military, business, science, organized sports to even the entertainment industry, you can find their imprint everywhere if you take a closer look. It is quite a wonder as to the many historians whom have not acknowledged Hispanics’ impact on history, as they are just as woven into America’s history as any other race or nationality. Many of our folklore and achievements are given credit to them. The Unit ed States is a major representative of all immigrants of the world into the symbolic â€Å"melting pot†that we are known for today. â€Å"Contributions of,†n. d. ) The Hispanic group adds to that diversity. A survey of the community conducted last year by the Per Hispanic Center of Washington found that nearly all people from Spanish speaking backgrounds identify themselves primarily by their place of national origin (Latinos or Hispanics? A Debate About Indentity, 2003). When the Mexican Americans came to America in search of the American dream they never thought the lack of education would stop them from advancing to a higher paying job. But in the labor field Mexicans are getting fair pay.There are both positive and negative views on parts of the economy pertaining to the Hispanic culture. The more we spend has a positive effect on the economy and the employer benefits from the cut cost on labor by employing Hispanics for lower pay. There is a downside to employin g workers for lower pay is the impact on government debt. Because workers are using government programs and schools but not paying taxes it depletes government spending. Marketing and consumer behavior is becoming increasing important in the Hispanic-American culture in the United States.Cuban Americans do not have rights in and liberty and flee to the United States not as immigrants but political refugees seeking freedom. Cuban Americans had the highest rate of business ownership among Hispanic groups, with approximately one ethnic-owned enterprise for every 16 Cuban Americans (MSN, Ecarta). Cubans are generally Roman Catholics; however, it has been greatly modified to â€Å"syncretism†by large amounts of support since Catholicism’s early introduction into Cuban’s history. (â€Å"Religion in,†n. d. Mexican Americans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans and El Salvadorians are just to name a few who are a part of the Hispanic group. But each and every one of these gr oups shares a part of their Hispanic culture with one another, but they also vary in distinguished ways. Although they share the Spanish language the dialect can be different and the words pronounced the same many have different meanings, which gives them the distinctiveness within their group. Hispanic Americans, on the basis of language have a rich cultural identity (Noble, J and LaCasa, J).Being able to speak the Spanish language gives you a competitive edge in the job market. Being bilingual is imperative to the Unites States economy. The Hispanic culture is becoming more involved in the politics. I believe many Hispanics follow the Republican Party more so than Democratic. Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans prefer liberal nominees in national and state elections. Hispanic Americans cultural variety is imitated in the different groups as well as in the foundations of the individual cultures.Hispanic culture has been known to be swayed to different degrees by many customs, but t he Cuban Americans stay within the culture tradition and stern values. Hispanic families raise their children to realize the importance of values, ethics, and respect for their elders and authority. The church plays a significant role in the quality of life and the greater part of the Hispanic community is Roman Catholic. I feel that is one of the Hispanic’s group strong point is the balance of spiritually and how it important to the family way of life. Hispanics are becoming a large part of the economy in the America and its community.The Hispanic culture is as unique and special as any other, and should be treated with the correct hospitality as anyone else. From pop music to food to political campaigns and corporate marketing the Hispanic community has made very strong present in the United States. I think as the years goes by we see that the Spanish community will become the majority, instead of the minority. I’m really drawn to the Hispanic ethic group. I admire t heir traditions and how they are very family oriented. The overall Spanish culture has brought a lot of traditions and culture to add the American diversity.Although current terms such as â€Å"Latino†and â€Å"Hispanic†function both as forms of self identification and also to mark Latin American populations in the United States as recognizable civic bodies, these terms, in their current popular manifestations, not only â€Å"refer to different dimensions of collective social experience,†(Flores, 2000,p. 194) Hispanic is pragmatic, because no matter what one says Hispanics first and foremost applies to Spaniards and this can be used to refer to Latin Americans and Latinos/as only secondarily or derivatively.Not only does Hispanic imply derivatively Spanish, but in many places it is associated with negative qualities: for example laziness, lax morals, lower class, deficient education, and so on. (Garcia, 2000)References www. wisegeek. com/what-is-the-difference -between-latino-chicano-and-hispanic. htm http://webhost. bridgew. edu/lasociedadlatina/articles/latinos%20or%20hispanics. pdf http://www. encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761587500/mexican_americans. html http://www. opensecrets. org/pubs/cubareport/roots. asp
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